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Raise your non-profits next funds via a digital donor.

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How It Works

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Step 1

Upload an image for
your wall.

Step 2

Tell us how much you're trying to raise and from how many donors.
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Step 3

Share your digital donor wall
on social media.

Step 4

Donors can click on the wall to donate!
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Customizable Walls

Highlight the ability to customize the digital donor wall with the non-profit's branding, including colors, logos and themes.

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Real-Time Updates

Show how the wall updates in real time as donations are made, with donor names or messages appearing on their chosen tiles.

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Secure Payment Integration

Detail the secure payment gateways and donation processing features, ensuring donors' confidence.

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Social Sharing

Social Sharing Explain how donors can share their conributions on social media directly from the donor wall, increasing visibility and potential donations. Read more

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Impact Showcase

Empowering Generosity SLIDE#1

Fundzzz's Digital Donor Wall is a powerful testament to the impact of collective giving. Its visually engaging interface showcases donor contributions through multimedia elements, offering a personalized and compelling experience. With intuitive navigation and real-time updates on fundraising progress, it fosters a sense of community and transparency. The platform's seamless integration of social sharing features amplifies its reach, inspiring more individuals to join the cause. Overall, Fundzzz's Digital Donor Wall is a user-friendly and impactful tool that empowers donors and amplifies the impact of their generosity.

Empowering Generosity SLIDE#2

Fundzzz's Digital Donor Wall is a powerful testament to the impact of collective giving. Its visually engaging interface showcases donor contributions through multimedia elements, offering a personalized and compelling experience. With intuitive navigation and real-time updates on fundraising progress, it fosters a sense of community and transparency. The platform's seamless integration of social sharing features amplifies its reach, inspiring more individuals to join the cause. Overall, Fundzzz's Digital Donor Wall is a user-friendly and impactful tool that empowers donors and amplifies the impact of their generosity.

Empowering Generosity SLIDE#3

Fundzzz's Digital Donor Wall is a powerful testament to the impact of collective giving. Its visually engaging interface showcases donor contributions through multimedia elements, offering a personalized and compelling experience. With intuitive navigation and real-time updates on fundraising progress, it fosters a sense of community and transparency. The platform's seamless integration of social sharing features amplifies its reach, inspiring more individuals to join the cause. Overall, Fundzzz's Digital Donor Wall is a user-friendly and impactful tool that empowers donors and amplifies the impact of their generosity.

Empowering Generosity SLIDE#4

Fundzzz's Digital Donor Wall is a powerful testament to the impact of collective giving. Its visually engaging interface showcases donor contributions through multimedia elements, offering a personalized and compelling experience. With intuitive navigation and real-time updates on fundraising progress, it fosters a sense of community and transparency. The platform's seamless integration of social sharing features amplifies its reach, inspiring more individuals to join the cause. Overall, Fundzzz's Digital Donor Wall is a user-friendly and impactful tool that empowers donors and amplifies the impact of their generosity.



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Fundzzz does not charge any fees to use it's digital donor walls (outside of payment processing which is around 3%)

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